Washington, D.C. 20549

                 In the Matter of
        Alliant Energy Corporation, et al.                         CERTIFICATE
                                                                   PURSUANT TO
                     File No.                                        RULE 24

   (Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935)

     This Certificate of Notification  (the  "Certificate")  is filed by Alliant
Energy Corporation  ("Alliant  Energy"),  a registered holding company under the
Public  Utility  Holding  Company Act of 1935,  as amended (the "Act"),  and its
wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Alliant  Energy  Resources,  Inc.  ("Resources"),  in
connection    with    the    transactions    proposed    in   the    Form    U-1
Application-Declaration (the "Application-Declaration"),  as amended, of Alliant
Energy and Resources (collectively, the "Applicants") in File No. 70-9455. These
transactions were authorized by order of the Securities and Exchange  Commission
(the  "Commission")  dated August 26, 1999 (the "Order").  The Applicants hereby
certify the  matters set forth below  pursuant to Rule 24 of the rules under the

     a. The sales of Common Stock of Alliant  Energy and the purchase  price per
share and the market price per share at the date of the agreement of sale.


        10/16/00        14,863 shares              $30.1959 per share
        11/15/00       179,270 shares              $30.6379 per share
        12/15/00        15,123 shares              $30.4246 per share

Shares shown above were issued pursuant to the Company's Shareowner Direct
Plan. Shares were credited to Plan  participant's  accounts at the prices shown.
This price  represents  the  aggregate  price of open market  purchases  for the
investment dates.

     b. The total  number of shares of Alliant  Energy  Common  Stock  issued or
issuable under options granted during the quarter under Alliant Energy's benefit
plans or otherwise.

     ANSWER:  Stock options  exercised under the Alliant Energy Long-Term Equity
                Incentive Plan:
                Date:             12/28/00
                Number of Shares:    2,700
                Exercise Price:     $27.50

     c. If Common  Stock has been  transferred  to a seller of  securities  of a
company being acquired,  the number of shares so issued, the value per share and
whether the shares are restricted to the acquiror.


     d. The names of the  guarantors  and of the  beneficiary  of any Guaranteed
Note, Alliant Energy Guarantee or Non-utility Subsidiary Guarantee issued during
the quarter, and the amount, terms and purpose of the guarantee.


     The guarantees issued can be summarized as follows:

       Guarantor      On behalf of         Purpose           Nominal Amounts

       Alliant        Cargill-             Bulk power         $13,475,000*
       Energy         Alliant              purchases/sales

       Alliant        EUA Cogenex          Guarantee of       $75,000,000
       Energy         Corp.                Discounting

       Alliant        Iowa Land and        Guarantee of       $ 2,650,000
       Energy         Building Company     Lease Payments

       Alliant        Various              Performance        $14,381,194
       Energy         Subsidiaries         bonds, etc.

       Resources      Argo Power, LLC      Turbine            $45,000,000**

       Resources      Southern Hydro       Guarantee of        $9,780,318***
                      Operations           Subordinated
                      Pty Ltd              Debt Facility

     * Alliant Energy is liable for 50% of total combined  guarantees  issued by
       Alliant Energy and Cargill on behalf of Cargill-Alliant.

     ** This guarantee was actually issued in the third quarter of 2000.

     *** This guarantee is actually for Australian dollars 18,765,000, which is
         equivalent to U.S. dollars 9,780,318 at an exchange rate of
         USD 0.5212 / AUD 1.

         See EXHIBIT A-1 attached for additional details.

     e. The amount and terms of any Debentures issued during the quarter.

     ANSWER: None.

     f. The amount and terms of any  financings  consummated  by any  Nonutility
Subsidiary during the quarter that are not exempt under Rule 52.

     ANSWER: None.

     g. The notional  amount and  principal  terms of any Interest Rate Hedge or
Anticipatory  Hedge  entered  into during the  quarter  and the  identity of the
parties to such instruments.

     ANSWER: None.

     h. The name,  parent company,  and amount invested in any new  Intermediate
Subsidiary, Financing Subsidiary, Energy Asset Subsidiary during the quarter.

       Name                    Parent                Amount  Invested
       Alliant Energy Hydro   Alliant Energy         $47,689,800*
       Pty Ltd.               Australia Pty Ltd.

     * The amount of this investment was actually Australian dollars 91,500,000,
       which is equivalent to U.S. dollars 47,689,800 at an exchange rate
       of USD 0.5212 / AUD 1.

     i. A  list  of  U-6B-2  forms  (Certificate  of the  issuance,  renewal  or
guarantee of a security exempted from provisions of Section 6(a)) filed with the
Commission  during the quarter,  including the name of the filing entity and the
date of filing.


               Alliant Energy Resources, Inc.             November 14, 2000

     j.  Consolidated  balance  sheets as of the end of the quarter and separate
balance sheets as of the end of the quarter for each company,  including Alliant
Energy,  that has engaged in jurisdictional  financing  transactions  during the

     ANSWER: See EXHIBIT B attached.

                                      S I G N A T U R E

     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of
1935, as amended, the undersigned companies have duly caused this Certificate to
be signed on their behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION

                                            By:   ______________________________
                                                  Name:  Enrique Bacalao
                                                  Title: Assistant Treasurer

March 30, 2001

 Exhibit A-1
                   Detail of the Guarantees issued during the quarter ending 12/31/00

                                                                                                  Date Of     Date of      Amount
 Guarantor      On Behalf Of            Purpose               Name of Guaranteed Party           Guarantee   Expiration  Guaranteed

Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   British Columbia Hydro & Power Auth. 10/10/2000 10/29/2001 $  200,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   City of Santa Clara/Silicon          10/10/2000 10/22/2001 $1,000,000
                                                             Valley Power
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   DTE Energy Trading, Inc.             10/12/2000 08/01/2001 $3,000,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   The Detroit Edison Company           10/12/2000 05/30/2001 $1,000,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   Missouri River Energy Services       10/20/2000 10/20/2001 $  500,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   Seattle City Light                   11/03/2000 11/03/2001 $1,000,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   Puget Sound Energy, Inc.             11/15/2000 12/03/2001 $  750,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   Entergy Services Inc.                12/13/2000 12/01/2001 $2,000,000
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   Public Utility District #1           12/18/2000 01/03/2002 $  500,000
                                                             of Snohomish Cty
Alliant Energy  Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales   TransCanada Power                    12/19/2000 01/07/2002 $2,000,000


    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  Ameren Energy, Inc.                   10/09/2000 10/09/2001 $1,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  Enron Power Marketing                 11/27/2000 11/27/2001 $8,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  Koch Energy Trading, Inc.             12/14/2000 12/14/2001 $2,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Inc.    11/16/2000 11/16/2001 $1,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  OGE Energy Resources, Inc.            11/16/2000 11/16/2001 $  500,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  PP&L Montana, LLC                     12/14/2000 12/14/2001 $1,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co      12/08/2000 12/08/2001 $1,000,000
    Cargill     Cargill-Alliant  Bulk Power Purchase/Sales  Split Rock Energy LLC                 12/10/2000 10/12/2001 $  500,000

Total Cargill & Alliant Energy Combined *                                                                              $26,950,000

Alliant Energy Liability is 50% of Total Cargill & Alliant Energy Guarantees Combined                                  $13,475,000


Alliant Energy  EUA Cogenex Corp.  Guarantee of                Fleet Business Credit Corp.    12/29/2000     NA      $75,000,000
                                   discounting facility

Alliant Energy  Iowa Land and     Guarantee of lease payments  BLC Corporation                10/16/2000     NA      $ 2,650,000
                Building Company

Resources       Argo Power, LLC   Turbine purchases            General Electric Company      08/18/2000** 02/27/2001 $45,000,000

Resources       Southern Hydro    Guarantee of Subordinated    Commonwealth Bank of Australia 10/31/2000  03/30/2001 $ 9,780,318 ***
                Operations         Debt Facility                Macquarie Bank
                Pty Ltd.

* This amount includes amendments and renewals of existing guarantees issued during the quarter.
**This guarantee was actually issued in the third quarter of 2000.
***This guarantee is actually for Australian dollars 18,765,000, which is equivalent to U.S. dollars 9,780,318
    at an exchange rate of USD 0.5212 / AUD 1 .

Exhibit B

                           ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION

                                                      Year Ended December 31,
                                                      2000                   1999              1998
                                                         (in thousands, except per share amounts)


Operating revenues:
  Electric utility                                        $1,648,036        $1,548,938        $1,567,442
  Gas utility                                                414,948           314,319           295,590
  Non-regulated and other                                    342,000           264,716           267,842
                                                      ---------------    --------------    --------------
                                                           2,404,984         2,127,973         2,130,874
                                                      ---------------    --------------    --------------


Operating expenses:
  Electric and steam production fuels                        288,621           262,305           297,685
  Purchased power                                            294,818           255,446           255,332
  Cost of utility gas sold                                   278,734           180,519           166,453
  Other operation and maintenance                            734,675           669,111           742,971
  Depreciation and amortization                              322,334           279,088           279,505
  Taxes other than income taxes                              104,746           104,969           105,626
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
                                                           2,023,928         1,751,438         1,847,572
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------

Operating income                                             381,056           376,535           283,302
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------

Interest expense and other:
  Interest expense                                           173,614           136,229           129,363
  Allowance for funds used during construction               (8,761)           (7,292)           (6,812)
  Preferred dividend requirements of subsidiaries              6,713             6,706             6,699
  Gain on reclassification of investments                  (321,349)                 -                 -
  Gains on sales of McLeodUSA Inc. stock                    (23,773)          (40,272)                 -
  Miscellaneous, net                                        (66,158)          (35,903)             (736)
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
                                                           (239,714)            59,468           128,514
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
Income before income taxes                                   620,770           317,067           154,788
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------

Income taxes                                                 238,816           120,486            58,113
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
Income before cumulative effect of a change in
 accounting principle, net of tax                            381,954           196,581            96,675
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------

Cumulative effect of a change in accounting
 principle, net of tax                                       16,708                 -                 -
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------

Net income                                                  $398,662          $196,581           $96,675
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========
  Average number of common shares outstanding - basic         79,003            78,352            76,912
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========
Earnings per average common share - basic:
 Income before cumulative effect of a change
   in accounting principle                                     $4.84             $2.51             $1.26
 Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle          0.21                 -                 -
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
                                           Net income          $5.05             $2.51             $1.26
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========

Average number of common shares outstanding - diluted         79,193            78,395            76,929
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========
Earnings per average common share - diluted:
 Income before cumulative effect of a change
   in accounting principle                                     $4.82             $2.51             $1.26
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle           0.21                 -                 -
                                                           ----------        ----------        ----------
                                           Net income          $5.03             $2.51             $1.26
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========

Dividends declared per common share                            $2.00             $2.00             $2.00
                                                           ==========        ==========        ==========
The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

                           ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

ASSETS                                                                 December 31,
                                                                  2000              1999
                                                                    (in thousands)

Property, plant and equipment:
  Utility -
    Plant in service -
      Electric                                                 $5,203,069         $5,032,675
      Gas                                                         574,390            540,874
      Other                                                       474,116            458,547
                                                               ------------       ------------
                                                                6,251,575          6,032,096
    Less - Accumulated depreciation                             3,296,546          3,077,459
                                                               ------------        -----------
                                                                2,955,029          2,954,637
    Construction work in progress                                 130,856            119,276
    Nuclear fuel, net of amortization                              61,935             54,363
                                                                ------------        -----------
                                                                3,147,820          3,128,276
  Other property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated
   depreciation and amortization of $209,072 and                 571,487            357,758
$184,722, respectively                                          ------------       ------------
                                                                3,719,307          3,486,034
                                                                ------------       ------------
Current assets:
  Cash and temporary cash investments                             148,415            113,669
  Accounts receivable:
    Customer, less allowance for doubtful accounts
      of $3,762 and $2,253, respectively                          122,895             67,299
    Unbilled utility revenues                                     124,515             48,033
    Other, less allowance for doubtful accounts
      of $484 and $954, respectively                               45,829             30,095
  Notes receivable, less allowance for doubtful
      accounts of $484 and $153, respectively                       9,968              6,328
  Production fuel, at average cost                                 46,627             49,657
  Materials and supplies, at average cost                          55,930             52,440
  Gas stored underground, at average cost                          41,359             23,151
  Regulatory assets                                                29,348             33,439
  Prepaid gross receipts tax                                       23,088             20,864
  Other                                                            63,007             41,011
                                                                  ------------       ------------
                                                                  710,981            485,986
                                                                  ------------       ------------
  Investment in available-for-sale securities of McLeodUSA        569,951          1,123,790
  Investment in trading securities of McLeodUSA Inc.              220,912                  -
  Investments in unconsolidated foreign entities                  507,655            198,055
  Nuclear decommissioning trust funds                             307,940            271,258
  Other                                                           132,203             59,866
                                                                ------------       ------------
                                                                1,738,661          1,652,969
                                                                ------------       ------------
Other assets:
  Regulatory assets                                               270,779            263,610
  Deferred charges and other                                      294,038            187,084
                                                                ------------       -----------
                                                                  564,817            450,694
                                                                ------------       -----------
                                               Total assets    $6,733,766         $6,075,683
                                                               =============      ============

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

                           ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS(Continued)

                                                                            December 31,
CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES                                         2000               1999
                                                                           (in thousands)

Capitalization(See Consolidated Statements of Capitalization):
  Common stock                                                            $790               $790
  Additional paid-in capital                                           947,504            942,408
  Retained earnings                                                    818,162            577,464
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                               271,867            634,903
  Shares in deferred compensation trust                                   (851)                 -
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
       Total common equity                                           2,037,472          2,155,565

                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
  Cumulative preferred stock of subsidiaries, net                      113,790            113,638
  Long-term debt (excluding current portion)                         1,910,116          1,486,765
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
                                                                     4,061,378          3,755,968
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
Current liabilities:
  Current maturities and sinking funds                                  92,477             54,795
  Variable rate demand bonds                                            55,100             55,100
  Commercial paper                                                     283,885            374,673
  Notes payable                                                         50,067             50,046
  Other short-term borrowings                                          110,783                  -
  Accounts payable                                                     296,959            191,149
  Accrued taxes                                                         87,484             78,825
  Other                                                                177,580            129,037
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
                                                                     1,154,335            933,625
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
Other long-term liabilities and deferred credits:
  Accumulated deferred income taxes                                    931,675          1,018,482
  Accumulated deferred investment tax credits                           67,364             71,857
  Derivative liability                                                 181,925                  -
  Environmental liabilities                                             64,532             65,327
  Pension and other benefit obligations                                 65,399             61,988
  Other                                                                207,158            168,436
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
                                                                     1,518,053          1,386,090
                                                                 ---------------    ---------------
Commitments and contingencies(Note 11)

Total capitalization and liabilities                                $6,733,766         $6,075,683


The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.