WASHINGTON,  D.  C.  20549

                              FORM  10-QSB

          EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934

               For  the  Quarterly  Period  Ended       September  30,  2003

          EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934

               For  the  Transition  Period  From  ___________  to  ____________

                        COMMISSION  FILE  NUMBER:   0-30018

                              MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,INC.
             (Exact  Name  of  Registrant  as  Specified  in  its  Charter)

              COLORADO                                   52-2133742
    -------------------------------               ------------------------
    (State  of  Other  Jurisdiction  of                  (I.R.S.  Employer
    Incorporation  or  Organization)               Identification  Number)

                    (Address  of  Principal  Executive  Offices)

                                 (213)  627-8878
              (Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code)

    (Former  name,  former address and formal fiscal year, if changed since last


Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  Registrant  (1)  has  filed all reports
required  to  be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months and, (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements  for  the  past  90  days.     Yes  (  X  )   No   (    )

As  of   September  30,  2002,   Meridian   Holdings,   Inc.,   Registrant   had
9,370,649 shares  of  its  $0.001  par  value  common  stock  outstanding.

                                       Page  1 of 12 sequentially numbered pages
                                                                     Form 10-QSB
                                                              Third Quarter 2003
                            MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.



          Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                                    3

          Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations                          4

          Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                          5

          Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                   6-8

          Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations                                            10-13

          Legal Proceedings                                                       13
          Additional Information                                                  13
          Signature                                                               13


                              MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.
                       Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                      As  of  Sept.  30,
                                                      2003               2002
                                                   ==========        ==========
Current  assets
Cash  and  cash  equivalents                          $ 8,838        $     2,071
    Restricted  Cash  (Note 1)                        410,973            623,286
Accounts  receivable,  net  of  allowance  for
doubtful accounts of ($179,812)                     1,348,643          1,099,909
Other current assets                                   81,176             53,140

                                                     ---------        ----------
Total current assets                                1,849,630          1,778,406

Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation          45,133            380,122
Pre-paids                                                 -                4,541
Investments                                         3,448,564          3,915,003
                                                     ---------         ----------
 Total assets                                     $ 5,343,327       $  6,078,072
                                                     ==========        ===========
Current liabilities
Accounts payable                                    $ 296,879        $   180,388
Accrued payroll and other                                -               144,000
Reserve for incurred but not reported claims          216,553            366,258
Accrued interest                                        -                 45,716
Line of credit                                         98,002             65,063
Current portion of long-term debt                         -               96,375
                                                       -------            -------
    Total current liabilities                         611,434            897,800

Long Term liabilities
    Loan from majority stockholder/officer                -              266,380
    Long-term debt, net of current portion            173,638            297,625
                                                      ---------         ---------
    Total liabilities                                 785,072          1,461,805
                                                      =========        ==========
Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity
Preferred stock (20,000,000 shares authorized,
par value $0.001; no shares issued and outstanding)         -               -
Common stock (100,000,000 shares authorized, par value
$0.001; 9,370,649 shares issued and outstanding as
at September 30, 2003 and 9,370,649 as at
September 30, 2002                                      9,370              9,370
Additional paid-in capital                          5,031,475          4,947,424
Accumulated deficit                                  (482,590)          (340,527)
                                                     ----------       ----------
    Total stockholders' equity                      4,558,255          4,616,267
                                                     -----------     -----------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity    $ 5,343,327       $  6,078,072
                                                     ============    ============

See accompanying notes to Condensed consolidated financial statements


                        MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.
             Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                            Three Months Ended Sept 30,  Nine Months Ended Sept 30,
                             2003             2002            2003          2002
                            =====             ====              ====          ====
 HMO Capitation Revenue    $ 444,006       $ 492,033     $ 1,399,039     $ 1,323,347
 Risk Pool Revenue (Note7)   185,337         264,612         572,696         565,384
  Fee For Service              1,808           9,131           2,910          25,327
                            --------      ----------      -----------      ---------
                             631,151         765,776       1,974,645       1,914,058

General Operating expenses

 Cost of Provider Services   197,746         156,668         698,538         441,360
  General and Administrative 364,607         574,644       1,092,615       1,424,444
                             --------       --------       ----------        -------
Income/loss from operations   68,798          34,464         183,492          48,254
                             --------       --------       ----------        -------

Other income and expense
 Equity interest in earnings
 (loss) of investment              -              99             -           111,312
 Other net                     4,066           8,209          68,992         (31,289)
                             --------       -------         ----------       --------
 Net Other                     4,066           8,308          68,992          80,023
                             --------       -------          ----------      --------
Net income/loss before
 Extraordinary items.         64,732          26,156         114,500         128,277
                             --------       -------          ---------      ----------

Net income after
 Extraordinary items      $   64,732          26,156     $   114,500       $ 128,277
                             ===========    ===========     ===========    ==========
Net income/loss per share:
 Basic and diluted - Net
 Income(loss)             $  0.007             0.0003      $ 0.012          $  0.014

                            ==========     ==========      ==========      ==========
    Weighted average
    shares outstanding   9,370,649         9,370,649       9,370,649       9,370,649

See accompanying notes to Condensed consolidated financial statements

                       MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.
            Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                     Nine Months Ended Sept 30,
                                                         2003            2002
                                                         =====          ======
Cash flows from operating activities
  Net income                                         $ 114,499         $  128,276
  Adjustments to reconcile net Loss to net
  cash used in operating activities:
  Loss on abandonment of software                             -                 -
  Gain on forgiveness of debt                                 -                 -
  Depreciation and amortization                         11,353             26,182
  Equity interest in earnings of investments                  -                 -
  (Increase) decrease in:
         Restricted cash                                (9,981)          (292,054)
         Accounts receivable                          (245,155)           385,621
         Other current assets                          (20,390)           (39,799)
         Accounts payable                               71,844            (22,362)
         Accrued payroll and other                    (606,650)          (139,475)
         Incurred but not reported reserve             (49,405)           222,233
         Accrued interest                              (49,172)             45,716
                                                       ----------        ----------
Net  cash  used  in  operating  activities            (781,057)           314,388
                                                       ---------         ----------
Cash  flow  from  investing  activities
   Acquisition  of  fixed  assets                      (10,792)          (368,434)
   Disposition of Fixed Asset                          315,002                  -
   Investment  in  Intercare                           298,931           (111,312)
   Investments in CGI                                  163,715                  -
                                                      ----------         ---------
Net  cash  used  in  investing  activities             766,856           (479,746)
                                                      -----------        ---------

Cash flow from financing activities
   Borrowings from majority stockholder/officer                           266,380
   Borrowings on long-term debt                             -                -
   Repayment of debt                                        -            (124,905)
   Borrowings on line of credit                             -              18,785
                                                      --------          ---------
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities          -            160,260
                                                      --------          ---------
   (Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents   (14,201)             (5,148)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         23,040               7,219
                                                       ----------      ----------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period              $ 8,838             $ 2,071
                                                      ==========       ==========

See accompanying notes to Condensed consolidated financial statements

                            MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.

                   Notes  to Condensed Consolidated  Financial  Statements
1.     General

Basis  of  Reporting

The  interim  accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
have   been   prepared   in   accordance   with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles   ("GAAP")   for   interim   financial   information   and  with  the
instructions  to  Form  10-QSB.  Accordingly,  they  do  not  include all of the
information and footnotes required by  GAAP  for  complete financial statements.
In  the opinion of management, all adjustments  (consisting of normal, recurring
accruals)  considered  necessary for a  fair  presentation  have  been included.
For  further  information,  management  suggests  that  the  reader refer to the
audited  financial  statements  for the year ended December 31, 2002 included in
its  Annual  Report  on   Form  10-KSB. Operating  results  for  the  nine-month
period ended  Septmber 30, 2003 are not necessarily indicative of the results of
operations  that  may  be  expected  for  the  year  ending December  31,  2003.

The  interim  accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
include  the  operations  of  the  Company  and  its  majority-owned  subsidiary
Corsys  Group  Limited.

Cash  And  Cash  Equivalents

The  Company considers all highly liquid investments with original maturities of
three  months  or  less  to  be cash equivalents. From time to time, the Company
maintains  cash  balances  with  financial  institutions  in excess of federally
insured limits.

Nature  of  Operations

Meridian  Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") was incorporated under the laws of the
State  of  Colorado  on October 13, 1998.  The Company is located in the City of
Los  Angeles, California, U.S.A. and contracts with physicians to provide health
care  services  primarily  within  the  area  of  Los  Angeles  County.

The  Company  is  an  acquisition-oriented  holding company focused on building,
operating, and managing a portfolio of business-to-business companies.  It seeks
to acquire majority or controlling interests in companies engaged in e-commerce,
e-communication,  and  e-business services, which will allow the holding company
to  actively participate in management, operations, and finances.  The Company's
network  of  affiliated  companies  is designed to encourage maximum leverage of
information  technology,   operational   excellence,   industry  expertise,  and
synergistic  business  opportunity.

2.    Investments


On  September  18,  1999, the Company acquired 51% of all the outstanding Common
Stock  of  InterCare in exchange for services and assumption of certain debts of
InterCare. During  fiscal  year  2000,  additional  stock  issued  by  InterCare
combined  with  a  dividend  distribution  by  the  Company  of  InterCare stock
resulted in a net decrease in the Company's ownership percentage to 32% as at
December 31, 2000.  A dividend of approximately $160,800 was recorded reflecting
the  relative  net  book value of the Company's investment in InterCare that was
distributed to Meridian Holdings, Inc., shareholders as at that time.

On  April  10,  2003,  the  board  of  directors  of the registrant approved the
transfer of certain assets of the registrant  to Meridian Medical Group, P.C, an
affiliated entity, valued at $675,022, in  exchange for forgiveness of  $714,833
debt owed by the registrant. As a result of the above incident, the registrant
completely divested itself from InterCare DX, Inc.


On December 10, 1999, the Company agreed to acquire a 20% equity interest in CGI
for  common  stock.  On December 20, 1999, the board of directors authorized the
issuance  of  4,000,000  pre-split (adjusted to 12,000,000 post-split) shares of
common  stock  in consideration for the 20% of the interest in CGI.  At the date
of  the  transaction,  the  Company's  shares opened at a price of $3 per share.
Between  September  1,  1999  and the acquisition date, the Company's stock sold
within  a  range  of  $.25  to  $3.25  per share (an average of $.97 per share).
Because of the limited trading history of the Company, the six-month average was
deemed  to  be  a  fair  valuation  of  the  transaction,  resulting  in a total
investment  balance  of  $3,880,000  as  of  December  31,  2000  and 1999.  The
shareholders  of  CGI  were  also  issued  warrants  to  purchase  an additional
1,000,000 pre-split (adjusted to 3,000,000 post-split) shares of common stock at
$2  pre-split  share  (or  approximately  $0.67  on  a  post-split basis) over a
five-year  period  as  a hedge against any fluctuation of the share price of the
common  stock  in  the immediate future.  These warrants will expire on December
30,  2004,  and  none  have  been  exercised  as  of  September 30 ,  2003.

3.     Fixed  Assets

Fixed assets consist of the following:

                                            As of
                                           Sept 30, 2003   December 31,2002
Computer equipment                          $ 99,934             $ 87,574
Leasehold improvements                         6,500                6,500
Office furniture, fixtures and equipment      61,915               61,915
Software                                      25,803               25,803
Medical equipment                              6,654                6,654
ICE software source code                         -                350,000
                                             --------              -------
                                             200,806              538,446
Less accumulated depreciation               (155,673)            (158,324)
                                            ---------             --------
                                           $  45,133            $ 380,122
                                            =========            ==========

4.     Line  of  Credit

The  Company has a $50,000 line of credit with a financial institution.  Related
advances  bear  interest at  6.5%, and interest is payable monthly.  The line of
credit  expires  March  21,  2004.

5.     Long-term  Debt

The  Company  has  various  loans  with  financial  institutions  and  majority
shareholder,  with  interest  rates  ranging  from  4%  to  15%  and  maturity
dates ranging  from  2015  to  2024.

6.     Risk  Pool  Agreement

The  Company  is  a  party  to  a  Risk  Pool  Agreement  (the "Agreement") with
Tenet HealthSystem Hospitals, Inc. ("Tenet").  Pursuant to the Agreement, 50% of
the monthly  capitation revenue is received directly  by  the  Company,  and the
remaining  50%  is  deposited  into  an escrow account from which Cap-Management
Systems,  Inc.,  a   subsidiary   of  Tenet  pays  all  facility related  claims
expenses,  reinsurance  expenses,  make   allowance   for  IBNR   reserve,   and
retains  a management fee,  the  Company  is   responsible  for  50%  of  Profit
(loss) after all institutional claims reinsurance and management  fees are paid,
and Incurred But Not Reported ("IBNR")  reserve  have  been  accounted  for.

These   revenues   and   expenses  have   been  reflected  in  the  accompanying

consolidated   statements   of   operations  for the  for   the  quarters  ended
September  30,  2003  and  2002.

The Company has also reflected  the monies in the escrow account as of September
30, 2003  and  September  30,  2002  as  restricted  cash  in  the  accompanying
consolidated   balance   sheets.  Additionally,  Cap-Management  Systems,  Inc.,
provides the Company  with  an estimate  as to  the  incurred  but  not reported
reserve,  which  has  been  recorded  as  such  in the accompanying consolidated
balance sheets.

Other Events

On Septemebr 19, 2003, the company announced that it  has  negotiated on  behalf
of   Capnet  IPA  physician  network  a capitated risk contract  with one of the
federally   qualified  HMO  located  in  Los Angeles  County,  operating  within
Southern  California. This  contract will  be  effective  September 1, 2003. The
registrant   believes   that   this new  contract  will  increase  it's  revenue

Subsequent Events

On October 10, 2003,  the registrant was  informed  that the Tenet HealthSystems
Hospitals contract with the County  of Los Angeles  Community  Health  Plan, was
renewed for another successive contract period.


                          MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.


Meridian  Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") was incorporated under the laws of the
State  of  Colorado  on October 13, 1998.  The Company is located in the City of
Los  Angeles, California, U.S.A. and contracts with physicians to provide health
care  services  primarily  within  the  area  of  Los  Angeles  County.

The  Company  is  an  acquisition-oriented  holding company focused on building,
operating, and managing a portfolio of business-to-business companies.  It seeks
to acquire majority or controlling interests in companies engaged in e-commerce,
e-communication,  and  e-business services, which will allow the holding company
to  actively participate in management, operations, and finances.  The Company's
network  of  affiliated  companies  is designed to encourage maximum leverage of
information   technology,  operational  excellence,  industry   expertise,   and
synergistic  business  opportunity.

The  Company also provides medical services management to its' Capnet IPA health
care  provider  network.  We  provide  the  following  services:

     - disease management -- a method to manage the  costs and care of high risk
       patients and produce better patient care

     - quality management -- a review of overall  patient  care measured against
       best medical practice patterns

     - utilization management -- a daily review of  statistical  data created by
       encounters, referrals, hospital, admissions and nursing  home information

     - claims adjudication and payment

Under  our  model,  the  primary  care  physicians  maintain  their independence
but  are aligned with a professional staff to assist in providing cost effective
medicine.  Each  primary  care  physician  provides direct patient services as a
primary care  doctor  including  referrals to specialists,  hospital  admissions
and referrals to diagnostic services. These physicians are  compensated on a per
member per month capitation  basis.

We  believe  our  expertise  allows  us to provide a service and manage the risk
that  health  insurance  companies  cannot  provide on an efficient and economic
level. Health insurance companies are typically structured as marketing entities
to  sell  their  products  on  a broad scale. Due to mounting pressures from the
industry,  managed  care organizations have altered their strategy, returning to
the  traditional  model  of  selling  insurance  and  transferring the risk to a
provider  service  network  such  as  us.  Under such arrangements, managed care
organizations  receive  premiums  from  the  Healthcare Financing Administration
(HCFA),  state  Medicaid  programs  and  other  commercial  groups  and  pass  a
significant  percentage  of  the  premium  on  to  a  third party such as us, to
provide covered  benefits  to  patients, including sometimes pharmacy  and other
enhanced services.  After  all medical expenses are paid, any surplus or deficit
remains with  the  provider  service network. When managed  properly,  accepting
this risk can  create  significant  surpluses.


The  Company had  net  working capital  of  $ 1,238,296 as at September 30, 2003
compared  to  $ 880,606 at  September  30,  2002.  This  represents  an increase
in  working  capital  of  41%.  This  increase  in  working  capital  is  due to
decrease in current liabilities  during  the  reporting  period.

The  selected  financial data set forth above should be read in conjunction with
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial Condition and Results of
Operations"  and  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  notes  thereto.



The following section contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties,  including  those  referring  to the period of time the Company's
existing  capital  resources  will  meet the Company's future capital needs, the
Company's future operating results, the market acceptance of the services of the
Company, the  Company's  efforts  to  develop new products and services, and the
Company's  planned  investment  in  the  marketing  of  its current services and
research  and  development   with  regard  to  future endeavors.  The  Company's
actual   results  could  differ  materially  from  those  anticipated  in  these
forward-looking  statements  as a result of certain factors, including: domestic
and  global  economic  patterns  and  trends.


We  believe that we will be able to fund our capital commitments, operating cash
requirements  and  satisfy our obligations as they become due from a combination
of  cash  on  hand,  restricted  cash  as  they  become  available, and expected
operating  cash  flow  improvements  through  HMO  premium  increases as well as
royalities  from  software  licensing.

However,  there  can  be  no  assurances  that  these  sources  of funds will be
sufficient  to  fund  our  operations and satisfy our obligations as they become

Long-term   cash   requirements,  other  than  normal  operating  expenses,  are
anticipated  for the continued development of the Company's business plans.  The
Company  will need to raise additional funds from investors in order to complete
these  business plans.

If  we   need   additional   capital  to  fund  our  operations,  there  can  be
no  assurance that such additional capital can be obtained or, if obtained, that
it  will be on terms acceptable to us. The incurring or assumption of additional
indebtedness could result in the issuance of additional equity and/or debt which
could have a dilutive effect on current shareholders and a significant effect on
our  operations.




Medical services  (Capitation)  revenues  decreased by  10%  from  $492,033  for
the three months ended September 30, 2002 to  $ 444,006   for  the  three months
ended September 30, 2003, and  increased  by  6%  from  $1,323,347  for the nine
months  ended  September  30, 2002  to  $1,399,039  for  the  nine  months ended
September 30, 2003. The decrease in revenue for the three months ended September
2003  is  due  to  decreased  membership  enrolment  in the Capnet IPA physician
network.  The  increase  during  the  nine months ended September 2003 is due to
increased overall  membership  enrollment  in the  Capnet IPA physician network.
Risk  pool   revenue  for  the  three  months   ended  September  30,  2003  was
$185,337, a decrease  of  30% compared to  $264,612 for the same period in 2002.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2003,  risk  pool  revenue was $572,696,
an increase of 1 %  compared  to $ 565,384  for  the  nine month ended September
30, 2002. The decrease in risk pool revenue for the three months ended September
2003 was due  to decrease in membership enrolment, with concomitant increase in
claims expense.

We  provided  managed  care services  for approximately 75,000 and 55,000 member
months  (members  per  month  multiplied  by  the  months   for  which  services
were available)  during the nine months  ended  September  30,  2003  and  2002,


Revenue  generated  by  our  managed  care  entities  under  our  contracts with
HMOs  as  a  percentage  of  medical  services  revenue  was  approximately 100%
during the  nine months  ended September 30, 2003 and 2002 respectively. Revenue
generated by the Los Angeles  County Community Health Plan ("CHP") contracts was
99% of medical services  revenue  for the  nine  months ended September 30, 2003
and 2002,  respectively.  Revenue  generated  by  LACARE  Health Plan ("LACARE")
contract was  approximately  1%  of  medical services  revenue for the three and
nine months  ended  September  30,  2003  and  2002,  respectively.


Of  the  $364,607  General  Operating  expenses  for  the  three  months  ended
September 30, 2003, $197,746 was  paid for the cost of provider services, which
consist  of capitation  payments  to  our  contracted  primary  care  providers
or 45% of medical  services  revenue  after giving  account  to  IBNR reserves,
compared  to $156,668  or  32%  of medical services revenue for the three month
period ended  September  30,  2002.

General  and  administrative  expenses were $ 364,607 or 58 % of total revenues
and $574,644  or 75% of  total revenues, for the three months  ended  September
30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 respectively  and  $1,092,615  or 55%  of total
revenues compared to $1,424,444 or 74% of  total  revenues for  the nine months
ended  September  30, 2003  and  2002  respectively.  Medical  claims expenses,
for  the  nine month  period  ended  September 30, 2003 were $482,314 or 24% of
medical  services  revenue,  compared  to $488,582 or 25.5% of medical services
revenue for the nine  month  period  ended  September  30,  2002.

Medical claims  represent  the  costs  of  medical  services  provided by other
healthcare  providers   other  than  our  contracted  primary  care  providers,
but which are to be paid by  us  for individuals  covered by our capitated risk
contracts  with HMOs. Our  Medical  claim  loss ratio  for  nine  months  ended
September 30, 2003 is 89% of total revenue as  compared  to 66%  for comparable
period in 2002. Our Medical Claim Loss Ratio varies  from  quarter  to  quarter
due  to  fluctuations in utilization, the  timing  of  claims  paid by the HMOs
on  our  behalf,  as  well  as  increases  in  medical  costs  without  counter
balancing increases  in  capitation  revenues.

For the  three  months  ended September 30, 2003, payroll and employee benefits
for administrative personnel was $147,131 or 23% of total revenues, compared to
$111,913 or  15%  of  revenue  for  comparable  period  in  2002, respectively.
Payroll  and employee  benefits  for  administrative personnel was $375,320 for
the nine months ended September 30, 2003, or 19% of total revenues, compared to
$349,995 or 18%  of  revenue  for  comparable period in 2002. The  increase  in
employee  payroll  expenses  was due to hiring additional support staff


The  registrant  recorded a  profit  from operations for the three months ended
September 30,  2003  of $68,798,  or  11%  of  total  revenues, compared  to  a
profit  of  $34,464,  or  4.5%  of  total  revenues, for the three months ended
September 30, 2002.

During the nine months  ended  September  30,  2003,  the registrant recorded a
profit  from operations of $183,492,  or  9%  of  total  revenues  compared  to
a profit  from  operations  of  $48,254  or 2.5% of total revenues for the nine
months ended September 30, 2002. The increase in net profit from operations are
due to the decrease in operating expenses,  decrease in  cost of medical claims
paid and  outside consultants fees.


This  Form   10-QSB  contains certain  forward-looking  statements  within  the
meaning  of  Section 27A  of  the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the

Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934.  When  used  in  this  Form  10-Q, the words
"believe,"  "anticipate,"  "think,"  "intend,"  "plan," "will  be,"  and similar
expressions, identify such forward-looking statements. Such statements regarding
future events and/or the future financial performance of our Company are subject
to  certain  risks  and  uncertainties,  which  could cause actual events or our
actual  future  results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement.
Certain  factors  that  might  cause such a difference are set forth in our Form
10-K  for  the  period  ended  December  31,  2002, including the following: our
success  or  failure  in  implementing  our  current  business  and  operational
strategies; the availability,  terms  and  access to capital and customary trade
credit;  general  economic  and business conditions; competition; changes in our
business strategy; availability, location and terms of new business development;
availability and terms of necessary or desirable financing or refinancing; labor
relations; the outcome  of  pending or  yet-to-be  instituted legal proceedings;
and labor and employee  benefit  costs.

Medical claims payable include estimates  of  medical  claims  expenses incurred
by our members but not yet reported to us. These estimates are based on a number
of  factors,  including  our  prior  claims  experience  and  pre-authorizations
of treatment. Adjustments, if necessary, are made to medical claims expenses  in
the period the actual claims costs are ultimately determined. We  cannot  assure
that  actual  medical  claims  costs  in  future  periods  will  not  exceed our
estimates. If  these  costs  exceed  our  estimates, our profitability in future
periods  will  be  adversely  affected.

Pursuant   to   the   Medicaid   program,  the  federal  government  supplements
funds  provided  by  the  various states for medical assistance to the medically
indigent.  Payment  for such medical and health services is made to providers in
an  amount determined in accordance with procedures and standards established by
state  law  under  federal  guidelines.  Significant  changes  have been and may
continue  to  be made in the Medicaid program which could have an adverse effect
on  our  financial  condition,  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows.

During certain fiscal years,  the  amounts  appropriated  by  state legislatures
for payment of Medicaid claims have not been  sufficient to reimburse  providers
for  services  rendered to Medicaid patients. Failure of a state to pay Medicaid
claims on a timely basis may have an adverse  effect on our cash  flow,  results
of  operations  and  financial  condition.


On  September  16,  2002,  the  Company  announced the release of version 3.0 of
its' flagship software application  known  as  ICE(tm),  a  scalable  healthcare
software  solution  that  integrates  every aspect of the healthcare enterprise,
designed  for  information  tracking,  error  reduction,  patient  safety.

ICE  's extensive, scalable system flexibility allows its adaptation to clinical
workflow,  operating  independently in centralized and decentralized facilities.
The  program  features  intuitive  order  entry,  "tapering"  orders, a clinical
knowledge  base,  digital  video  enhanced  patient  education module, real-time
electro-physiological   data   capture   and   display,   voice  command,  voice
recognition,  digital   dictation  module  and  numerous  other  capabilities to
complement  and  document  the  diagnostic  and  treatment  processes, including
unlimited free-text notes.

ICE   provides  practical  business  solutions  unique  to  current  health care
environments,   where   error   reduction,  medical  necessity  checking,  HIPAA
compliance and revenue loss reduction  are  essential.  The  software meets HL-7
standards,  operating as a stand-alone system or integrated with other Legacy or
third-party healthcare  applications.

Microsoft  OCX, GRID, SQL Server and PUSH technologies are provided on ICE , and
the  system  provides  real-time  information to physicians and other healthcare
providers  on  a  need-to-know  basis.  Maximized  information displays increase
workflow  efficiency  by  minimizing  mouse  clicks  and  screen  changes.

ICE  is  available  for  both  inpatient and outpatient clinical documentations,
thus enabling healthcare providers to create a life-time longitudinal multimedia
patient clinical record.

InterCare.com-Dx Inc. an affiliate of the Company has now embarked on aggressive
marketing  and  sales  efforts  in  other  to introduce the application into the
highly  competitive  healthcare  market.  As of this writing, no sales prospects
have been closed,  however, this event represents a significant milestone in the
Company's overall business plan. The  Company  anticipates a significant revenue
increase in future  from  software  licensing  royalties.


On September 19, 2003, the company announced that it has  negotiated  on  behalf
of   Capnet  IPA  physician  network  a capitated risk contract  with one of the
federally   qualified  HMO located   in  Los Angeles  County,  operating  within
Southern  California. This contract  will  be  effective  September 1, 2003. The
registrant   believes   that  this  new  contract  will  increase  it's  revenue

On October 10, 2003, the  registrant was  informed  that the Tenet HealthSystems
Hospitals contract with the County  of Los  Angeles Community  Health  Plan, was
renewed for another successive contract period.

On  November  5,  2003,  the  board  of directors  approved  the  appointment of
Mr.  Michael S. Muldavin, as  a  new  member of  the  Board of Directors  of the
registrant, following the acceptance  of the resignation  of  Mr. Scott Wellman,
Esq., as a member of the board of directors.



As of this writing the Company is involved in various litigations stemming  from
its' purchase  of  the assets  of Sirius Computerized Technologies of Israel and
these litigations are  in  various stages of the legal process. (Please see form
10qsb of Second Quarter of 2003 filed with SEC at www.sec.gov)

From  time  to time, we may be engaged in litigation in the ordinary  course  of
our  business  or in respect of which we are insured or the cumulative effect of
which  litigation our management does not believe  may reasonably be expected to
be  materially adverse.  With  respect  to  existing  claims  or litigation, our
management  does not believe that they will have a  material  adverse  effect on
our    consolidated  financial  condition,  results  of  operations,  or  future
cash  flows.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
  31.1  Certification pursuant to Section 302 of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
        of Anthony C. Dike
  31.2  Certification pursuant to Section 302 of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
        of Foday Sorsor Conteh
  32.1  Certification pursuant to Section 906 of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
        of Anthony C. Dike and Foday  Sorsor Conteh


Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the  undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

Date:  November 13,  2003             By:  /s/  Anthony  C.  Dike
                                        Anthony  C.  Dike
                                    Chief  Executive  officer

                                    EXHIBIT 31.1

                          CERTIFICATION  PURSUANT  TO SECTION 302
                          OF  THE  SARBANES-OXLEY  ACT  OF  2002

I, Anthony C. Dike, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report  on  Form  10-QSB of Meridian Holdings,

2. Based  on  my  knowledge,  this quarterly report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a  material fact or omit  to  state  a material fact  necessary  to
make  the  statements  made,  in  light of  the  circumstances  under which such
statements were made, not  misleading with respect to the period covered by this
quarterly report;

3. Based   on   my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and other financial
information  included  in  this quarterly report, fairly present in all material
respects  the  financial condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant  as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I  are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as  defined  in
Exchange  Act  Rules  13a-15(e)  and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and we have:

  a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure
controls and procedures to be  designed  under our  supervision,  to  ensure  to
ensure that  material  information  relating  to  the  registrant, including its
consolidated  subsidiaries,  is   made  known  to  us  by  others  within  those
entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being

   b) evaluated the effectiveness  of the  registrant's disclosure controls  and
procedures  and  presented  in  this  quarterly report our conclusions about the
effectiveness  of  the  disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the
period covered by this quarterly report based on such evaluation; and

   c) disclosed in this quarterly report any change in the registrant's internal
control  over  financial  reporting  that  occurred during the registrant's most
recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the  case of an
annual report)  that  has  materially  affected,  or  is  reasonably  likely  to
materially  affect,  the registrant's internal control over financial reporting;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most  recent  evaluation  of  internal  control over financial reporting, to the
registrant's  auditors  and  the  audit  committee  of   registrant's  board  of
directors  (or  persons  performing  the equivalent functions):

   a) all  significant  deficiencies  in  the  design  or  operation of internal
controls  which  could  adversely  affect  the  registrant's  ability to record,
process,  summarize  and  report  financial  information; and

   b) any  fraud,  whether   or  not   material,  that  involves  management  or
other  employees  who  have  a  significant  role  in  the registrant's internal
control over financial reporting.

Date:     Novemebr 13, 2003

By:_/s/ Anthony C. Dike
Anthony C. Dike
Chairman and CEO (Principal Executive Officer)


                                    EXHIBIT 31.2

                           CERTIFICATION  PURSUANT  TO SECTION 302
                           OF  THE  SARBANES-OXLEY  ACT  OF  2002

I, Foday Sorsor Conteh, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report  on  Form  10-QSB of Meridian Holdings,

2. Based  on  my  knowledge,  this quarterly report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a  material fact or omit  to  state  a material fact  necessary  to
make  the  statements  made,  in  light of  the  circumstances  under which such
statements were made, not  misleading with respect to the period covered by this
quarterly report;

3. Based   on   my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and other financial
information  included  in  this quarterly report, fairly present in all material
respects  the  financial condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the
registrant  as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I  are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as  defined  in
Exchange  Act  Rules  13a-15(e)  and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and we have:

  a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure
controls and procedures to be  designed  under our  supervision,  to  ensure  to
ensure that  material  information  relating  to  the  registrant, including its
consolidated  subsidiaries,  is   made  known  to  us  by  others  within  those
entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being

   b) evaluated the effectiveness  of the  registrant's disclosure controls  and
procedures  and  presented  in  this  quarterly report our conclusions about the
effectiveness  of  the  disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the
period covered by this quarterly report based on such evaluation; and

   c) disclosed in this quarterly report any change in the registrant's internal
control  over  financial  reporting  that  occurred during the registrant's most
recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the  case of an
annual report)  that  has  materially  affected,  or  is  reasonably  likely  to
materially  affect,  the registrant's internal control over financial reporting;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most  recent  evaluation  of  internal  control over financial reporting, to the
registrant's  auditors  and  the  audit  committee  of   registrant's  board  of
directors  (or  persons  performing  the equivalent functions):

   a) all  significant  deficiencies  in  the  design  or  operation of internal
controls  which  could  adversely  affect  the  registrant's  ability to record,
process,  summarize  and  report  financial  information; and

   b) any  fraud,  whether   or  not   material,  that  involves  management  or
other  employees  who  have  a  significant  role  in  the registrant's internal
control over financial reporting.

Date:     Novemebr 13, 2003

By:_/s/ Foday Sorsor Conteh
Foday Sorsor Conteh
Vice President Finance


Exhibit 32.1

                             CERTIFICATION  PURSUANT  TO SECTION 906
                             OF  THE  SARBANES-OXLEY  ACT  OF  2002

In  connection  with  the  quarterly  report  of  Meridian  Holdings,  Inc. (the
"Company") on  Form  10-QSB  for  the  period  ending  June 30,  2003  as  filed
with   the   Securities   and   Exchange   Commission   on    the   date  hereof
(the "Report"),  we,  Anthony  C. Dike, the  Chief  Executive Officer,  and  Mr.
Foday  Sorsor   Conteh,  Vice  President  Finance,   of  the  Company,  certify,
pursuant   to   18 U.S.C.   1350,  as   adopted   pursuant   to Section   906 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley  Act  of  2002,  that:

(1)  The  Report  fully  complies  with  the  requirements  of  Section 13(a) or
     15(d)  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934;  and

(2)  The  information  contained  in the Report fairly presents, in all material
     respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

     A signed  original  of  this  written  statement  required  by Section 906,
or  other  document  authenticating,  acknowledging,  or  otherwise adopting the
signature  that  appears  in  typed  form  within the electronic version of this
written  statement  required  by  Section  906,  has  been  provided to Meridian
Holdings,  Inc.,  and  will  be  retained   by   Meridian  Holdings,  Inc.,  and
furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.

DATE: November 13,   2003        By:  /s/  Anthony  C.  Dike
                                         Anthony  C.  Dike
                                        Chairman  and  CEO

                                 By:  /s/  Foday  Sorsor  Conteh
                                         Foday  Sorsor  Conteh
                                       Vice  President  Finance
