Filed Pursuant To Rule 433
Registration No. 333-167132
May 18, 2011
In Gold We Trust?
In the investment world, it seems that every few months or years there is a new phrase that
enters the lexicon. During the tech bubble, eyeballs and clicks quickly turned into worries
about cash burn. The mortgage crisis introduced non fixed-income personnel to the phrase money
good which often wasnt so due to liar loans. A bull market in commodities led to discussions of
peak oil, and ending the last recession seemed to hinge on whether wed ever see any green
Of late, there has been much consternation about the US monetizing its debt and devaluing its
currency, both of which tend to lead into the topic of gold. Yet gold, unlike some of the other
topics that have come and gone, is in the midst of a 10 plus year bull market, leading some to
wonder if we are in or entering a gold bubble. At SSgA, the Multi Asset Class Solutions (MACS)
team has placed a significant amount of resources into understanding gold, and this paper will
discuss some of our beliefs. We will do so by focusing on three questions weve heard most often
from our clients:
1. |
How do you value gold? |
2. |
Are we in a gold bubble? |
3. |
How much gold should I own? |
In the classic fashion of a Warren Buffett type thought experiment, lets say you were
locked in a room by a benevolent captor. Once a year, your captor asks you to guess the price of
gold. If you come within $100 of the actual price, he will let you go. If not, you stay another
year. He will provide you any economic information you likethat is interest rates, inflation,
exchange rates, money supply, debt/GDP, you name it. He will also provide a statistician who can
develop statistical models that will incorporate this data in any way you see fit.
But heres the catch. You are never given any price information for any security or asset class.
You never know what the price of oil, gold, the Dow Jones or any other asset is. Lets say you
began your lock up in the year 2000. How many years would you have spent in the room? Would you
have guessed $1,400/ oz. in 2010? What will you guess in 2012? Would you have ever come within even
$500/oz. of the actual price?
The point here, of course, is whether having any data or statistics actually helps you value
gold. How would you even remotely connect the price of gold to any live piece of economic data? Our
belief is that for the most part, you cant. When an analyst or expert calls out their next gold
target on CNBC, and says $1,600 by year end, it is likely they have an embedded bias which is the
current price and trading history. Well you say, they are also just guessing when they say their
Dow target is 13,000 by year end. True enough, except that stock market guesses can be grounded in
a valuation approach. Take a guess as to earnings, and a guess as to the multiple investors will
pay for those earnings, and you have a stock market guess. Cant do that with gold. An expert who
says $1,600/oz. is his target likely says that because he knows the price is currently $1,380/oz.
The next time someone gives you a gold target, give him the benevolent captor routine and see
what their answer is.
So then what? We have an asset class that provides no earnings, no cash flow, no dividends or
interest and no prospects for any, ever (note that from a classical modeling perspective, this
presents quite a challenge to the statistician trapped in the room with you). In fact, there is a
cost to holding gold, and that is storage and security. So not only does this asset not produce any
cash flow, but effectively you must pay to own it and secure it. So, how do you value gold?
Across the industry, there is any number of proposed valuation constructs for gold. Here are three
US focused constructs that have received some attention in the marketplace:
1. |
The inflation adjusted price of gold |
2. |
The value of the total gold stock relative to the US monetary base |
3. |
The value of the total gold stock relative to US equity market cap |
There is one number that arises quite consistently when investors discuss a gold target price
and that is around $2,000 an oz. About $2,000/oz. is approximately the inflation adjusted high in
gold that was set if you take the nominal high from January 1980 of about $850/oz. and inflate it
to today.
So the logic here is that since 1979, gold has not kept up with inflation. Analysts, therefore,
posit that $2,000/oz. should become a reasonable target. Now this begs the questiondid the 1980
high in gold keep pace with prior inflationi.e., is that number perhaps frontloaded? And the
answer is yes. Inflation (ex food and energy) was up about 90% during the 1970s, yet gold was up
around 14 fold. So on that point, it may be fair to say that those who focus on this reference
point should understand what it had already priced in. Therefore, the key question is:
Is there any reason gold should keep pace with inflation?
The case for gold keeping pace with inflation isnt based so much on why gold should have more
value on its own merits in a highly inflationary world, as it is that paper assets will lose
precipitously more value in a highly inflationary world. High inflation will make paper dollars
less valuable every day while hard assets such as metals, land, energy and agriculture, may not
see this effect precisely because they are hard and cant be created, conjured or otherwise
diluted. Whats interesting is that golds use as an inflation hedge is one sided. Its not because
gold has more value from inflation. Its because it wont lose value. Ironically investors then bid
up an asset because it will lose less, and we end up with an asset whose price rises purely
because its defensive.
But we still havent answered the question, should gold keep pace with inflation? Lets start with
golds utility. As illustrated in Figure 1, the combined weights for jewelry and industrial demand
have averaged over 70% of demand for the past 5 years, a significant factor.
65 |
% |
12 |
% |
23 |
% |
100 |
% |
Source: GFMS/World Gold Council, Third Quarter 2010.
One could make the case that both jewelry and industrial use should reflect inflation
increases. For example, consumers of jewelry, who have seen their income rise at the rate of
inflation for say the past 30 years, should be willing to purchase jewelry at some inflated rate
over that time. After all, most if not all of their other expenses have been rising with
inflationwhy shouldnt gold? Similarly, industrial users should react the same way. They have
cost and revenues rising with inflation, why should gold be an exception that doesnt keep pace?
Producers too, face inflation, be it labor costs or the fact that gold exploration has, by most
accounts, become more difficult since 2000 (see Figure 2). When one considers this chart, in light
of an ever rising priceup nearly five times these last ten years, then to have mine production
virtually unchanged is quite a statement on the difficulties involved and therefore, the likely
higher costs involved as well. One would have expected that world production would have grown
significantly given the nearly five-fold increase in the price of gold during the past decade.
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 Q1-Q3 |
2,620 |
2,646 |
2,618 |
2,623 |
2,494 |
2,549 |
2,485 |
2,473 |
2,410 |
2,579 |
1,954 |
Source: GFMS/World Gold Council.
Why would producers incur inflationary costs if they didnt believe they could recoup them and more
through higher prices?
Now one could say, thats a fair argument if the asset you are describing has utility. Oil for
example, is a key to modern commerce, and there are no replacements ready on a moments notice.
Conversely, if all the gold in the world disappeared tomorrow, the jewelers would find a
substitute, the industrial manufactures would switch their metals and the capital markets would
likely focus on silver or platinum as the metal du jour. But golds utility is where we need to
have, as they say in the movies, willing suspension of disbelief. Because while we can debate
whether it actually has utility or should be valuable in the human psyche, the bottom line is, it
is. And therefore, the production and demand issues around inflation must not be dismissed as yes,
but its not needed. Clearly its not actually needed, but that doesnt matter.
Once we accept this critical fact, our conclusion becomes clear: golds price should minimally
reflect long-term inflation trends. Its worth noting that the record shows this has been the case
in the last half of the 20th century. Going back to 1957, we see US inflation averaging around 4%
and Gold returns around 7%. However, much of these excess returns occurred after President Richard
Nixon closed the gold window and took the US off the $35 an ounce exchange gold standard in 1971.
There is also, of course, the 10,000 pound gorilla in the room concerning the question as to
whether gold should keep pace with inflation. The gorilla is golds value as a medium of exchange.
Recent history, especially for US investors, has clearly illustrated what even a developed nation
will do to its currency. While papers and books are written on this topic, suffice is to say that
the US is literally printing money today to buy US treasuries and force liquidity into the
system. As this printing occurs, existing dollars become worth less, and inflation becomes more
likely. Gold, then, sees its (relatively) fixed supply increase in value. No wonder the calls for a
gold standard have returned. While unlikely, the point is well taken. In the absence of any
monetary or other authority, gold is sensible as a form of money because it cannot be created. This
concept further supports the idea that gold should at least keep pace with inflation.
So, that said, does the inflation adjusted high of 1980 matter as a valuation tool? On its own
merits, we dont think it does, for as weve noted previously, prior gold highs had frontloaded
inflation and over the past 60 years or so, gold has beaten US inflation. But, that is not the end
of the debate. Because with gold, as we will discuss later, observing other investors attitudes is
critical, and if one of those observables is a belief that gold should return to its 1980 inflation
adjusted high, that can be, as George Soros calls it, a reflexive argument which could come true.
Precise in a world that
This valuation method attempts to analyze the US monetary base relative to the value of gold
held by the US Government. The rationale is that at extremes, gold will sell at some multiple of
the monetary base. Using past extremes, this multiple is said to have peaked at over one times the
monetary base. Where would that put gold today? According to the World Gold Council, the total
amount of gold mined in the history of civilization is 165,000 tons. At the recent 2010 highs of
around $1,400/oz., this means the value of all the gold in the world is around $7 trillion. Of
this, the US government is reported to own around 260 million ounces, worth today about $360
billion. The US monetary base is around $2 trillion. So, at a multiple of one times, this would
mean an increase of $1.64 trillion to the value of gold held by the US. The math on that works out
to be a price of over $6,000 per ounce, a huge increase from todays levels.
However, there are two immediate challenges that arise with this methodology. First, one has to ask
why this matters in isolation; why is it only relevant what the US holdings of gold are relative to
the US monetary base? Second, the historic level gold has traded at in the past has little
relevance to today. Its akin to some of our value investor friends who will only invest when they
see the market get to a 6 price/ earnings ratio again. Maybe it will happen and maybe it wont, but
in the interim, you could be sitting for decades with no return while the market ignores your
reference point bias. Its worth noting this works in both directions. It may be that in the
future, gold exceeds its prior levels relative to the monetary base. Our point is that being
anchored on a reference point either way is likely a weakness in the investment process. Like any
good model, the question should always be asked: and why will this occur again in the future? On
this we dont have a strong answer other than because it did in the past, which is really no
answer at all.
We have seen some industry work in the marketplace (verified by State Street Global Advisors)
which analyzes the value of gold relative to the value of the US equities, via the Wilshire 5000.
This work illustrates that gold has previously peaked at 160% of the value of the Wilshire, while
today it trades around 60% of it. Again, while this is interesting and provides a bull case for a
higher target price, the question is whether this prior peak should have any significance. This
analysis may also provide guidance on where the next peak may be, but not anything on the current
worth or when we could get back to that peak. Is there an economic reason why gold should move
toward a previously attained ratio versus equities? We cannot think of any. Therefore, we cannot
validate a reason why this should occur again in the future.
Again, we ask, how do you value gold? Our answer, to be direct, is: we dont. Not to be trite about
it, but it is worth what others are willing to pay for it. The value of gold is a lot like the
value of fine art or your house. We, therefore, feel that our efforts are much better spent on
understanding the mood of the others, and we do this by monitoring what we call observables.
Each month our team produces an internal research note which consists of our assessment of the key
observables that we think drive the markets mood on gold, using both fundamental and technical
factors. While there are approximately three dozen factors in all, a sampling of those factors can
be seen in Figure 3. We believe this to be a better approach to gold investing versus constructing
questionable valuation models or fixating on potentially spurious prior relationships at their
highs. Thus far, it has been a successful approach.
5. |
9. |
12. |
15. |
16. |
Source: SSgA. For illustrative purposes only.
Related to this question would be: If not now, how will we know when? Supreme Court Justice
Potter Stewart famously once said of hard-core pornography: I know it when I see it. Is that
possible in a bubble or only with the benefit of hindsight? Its reputed that only a small number
of professional investors actively shorted the mortgage market going into the crisis. Now, of
course, its clear that we had a housing bubble. What does a bubble feel like? Well, having the
displeasure of living through both the tech bubble and housing bubble, we have some recent insight
on this. Here are three of the observables we measure with respect to bubble territory:
1. |
The asset becomes widely owned. The classic tale of your barber giving you technology stock
recommendations in March 2000. Your neighbors are flipping condos in Miami in 2006. Neither
seemingly do this as a day job. |
2. |
The asset becomes easy to own psychologicallyi.e. there are few objections, naysayers or
cynics. |
3. |
A proliferation of products/ways to access the asset occurs. In the tech bubble, this could
be seen through IPO activity, new sector tech funds and the launch of internet specific funds. |
These are subjective and behavioral observations to be sure. But when thinking back on other
bubbles, they would probably have helped frame the debate. You could have looked at tech stocks
spiraling price/earnings ratios or annual housing appreciation, but in retrospect, you didnt need
to, as there was a demonstrable behavioral change. In golds case, there is no template for a P/E
or appreciation versus a norm. Therefore, the observables become critical. Taking these one by
It is estimated by the World Gold Council in its report, The Strategic Case for Gold: January
2011, that US pension plans gold investments comprise less than 0.30% of their entire holdings. We
would doubt individual investors are much different. How do we know this? Anecdotally. As the quote, The plural of anecdote is not data, is something of a creed in our
group, we dont say this lightly. Having run a number of advisor and retail client meetings in the
past year, we
Precise in a world that
feel that our experiences from these meetings are quite useful. At
each meeting, we stop and ask how many of the crowd personally owns
an investment in gold? The highest percentage of people saying they
owned gold was 20%. This continues to be a positive observation.
When the gold cycle ends, it will end with everyone owning gold. We
are not there yet. Its true that ETFs have seen tremendous asset
growth, but it appears that the ownership has been very
concentrated in, for instance, hedge funds such as John Paulson and
George Soros. To us, Main Street does not yet seem fully
We frequently hear from clients that its already had a
great 10 year move, its speculative, and how much upside can be
left? Similarly, while gold has received a significant increase in
headlines, there is no shortage of skepticsone need only google
Warren Buffett on Gold to see the oracles consistently negative
view. Buffett, the greatest investor of our time, is, therefore,
the most famous critic of gold. He points out that it has no
earnings, yield or way to return cash to the investor. We agree.
However, that doesnt mean one cant make money in gold. While he
wont own gold, he also never owned Apple (up around 1,200% since
January of 2000) or Google (up 442% since August of 2004) or
shorted subprime mortgages (nor have we). So while Berkshire
Hathaway has gone up a very respectable 240% since January of 2000,
Gold has increased nearly five-fold during the same period. It
strikes us that Buffett believes that only asset classes and
investments that fit his specific investment beliefs can be
sensible investments. We, however, are agnostic about how to beat
the market. We just want to do it.
The ETF space is dominated by just two gold ETFs, and there
currently are just a small number of gold mutual funds. It is true
that gold ATMs are starting to gain some attention, and the
increase in We buy gold advertisements cannot be denied. However,
from an investable perspective, we have not seen anywhere near the
proliferation of products in comparison with the explosion of tech
related products which arrived on the market in the late 1990s and
early 2000s.
Lastly, in conjunction with Ned Davis Research, we took a look at
some other bubbles to see where gold currently stands in terms
of duration and magnitude. As can be seen in Figure 4, while gold
has had a strong 10-year run, it still pales in comparison to
other bubbles, with the prior gold run reaching a 1,836% return,
the Nasdaq 950%, and Uranium 1,171%. Of course gold isnt required
to follow any of these patterns, but its important to know that
bubbles can reach four digit returns over a ten year period, and
gold has only achieved 40% of that move.
Our view, therefore, is that we are not yet in a bubble and
its worth noting that once you are in a bubble, for a time, there
is still money to be made as illustrated in Figure 4. Some day,
however, we could have a true gold bubble on our hands. Note the
use of the word could. Some asset classes see bull markets and
subsequent crashes, but their bull market phase may never have
truly qualified as a bubble. Look at the housing or banking
stocks climb prior to their precipitous drop in 2007/08.
But if we did enter a gold bubble, how bad could the aftermath
be? We think it could be monumentally bad. Consider that gold is
both a single security and almost an entire asset class on its own
(no offense to silver, platinum and palladium, but gold is their
big brother). When the tech bubble happened, you could have moved
to financials and kept your equity weight in line, or even within
tech, you could have underweighted web companies and overweighted
hardware, semiconductors or software. The point is that there were
numerous ways in which an investor (with good hindsight of course)
could have fled the troubled securities yet still had similar
equity exposure. In a way, this prevented the web bubble from
being even worse.
Gold has none of this in its favor. If investors decide to flee
gold as an investment, then gold the asset class will be crushed.
There are no offshoots that investors can transition to which
will cushion the asset class fall. Furthermore, without any
valuation support to cling to, investors may have a hard time
rationalizing holding on if a freefall begins. The end of gold
could be quicker and more severe than the technology or real
estate bubbles. Note from the right hand side of Figure 4 how
hard that fall can be.
Precise in a world that
Before its all said and done, we are likely to see some significant advances in products and
portfolio protection involving gold. One can envision a day in which your brokerage account may be
translated into gold instead of US dollars. Notable hedge fund managers such as John Paulson have
reportedly done exactly this by offering share classes of their hedge funds denominated in gold.
Its been reported that Paulsons personal holdings are almost entirely in this share class. Thats
how much he dislikes holding dollars.
So lets try to answer the question: how much gold should you own? If a portfolio tool existed that
allowed you to convert some or all of your portfolio into golds return instead of dollar returns,
and this was a costless transaction, how much of your portfolio would you hedge to gold? Ten,
twenty, fifty or one hundred percent? Whatever your answer is to this question is probably as good
a start as any in terms of setting your actual gold allocation today. In looking at the industry
for help, precise data on actual gold allocations is difficult to come by. We have seen estimates,
such as the World Gold Councils The Strategic Case for Gold, January 2011, that gold comprises
just 1% of the worlds total global assets, and our experience with both Institutional and advisory
based clients would support this. If anything, 1% might be on the high side of the typical
portfolios actual ownership. From a practical standpoint, when working with an institutional
client we must also consider investment policy constraints and tracking error goals. In our client
portfolios which are tactically able to hold gold, we generally hold a position in the low- to
mid-single digits.
A related question is what should the funding source for gold be? Fixed income or equities? We have
viewed gold as a risky asset. Indeed, its volatility indicates as much, with golds volatility
nearly the same as the S&P 500s® at around 21 for the past three years. Additionally,
with no principal value to return, it looks more like a non-dividend paying equity than a fixed
income instrument. However, in a true inflationary spiral, one would probably like gold to offset
some or all of their fixed income portfolio. Given this split personality, we believe in
dynamically funding our gold positions from both the equity and fixed income portfolios, with our
other tactical views dictating which and how much.
On the topic of tactical asset allocation, we believe gold can have a very useful role in a
portfolio both within a strategic allocation to commodities and also as a separate allocation which
can be utilized as both a tactical inflation/deflation play or a true safe haven play. We are
often asked, how can gold be both an inflationary and a deflationary hedge? The answer is, it cant
in the long run. Whats happening today, though, is not the long run. Whats happening today is
that the rise in the gold price is reflecting the fact that todays deflation will spur tomorrows
inflation, due to the mechanism called the US Government. As the Government will seemingly do
everything in its power to fend off deflation in the short term, it is, therefore, likely to be
creating more inflation and currency debasement in the longer term.
So your weird uncle Ned has built a bomb shelter and been storing Twinkies, Spam and bottled
water in his cellar for 20 years. Lately, you find yourself thinking similar thoughts. Before you
buy more Spam, what role does Gold have in this plan? There is an excellent book by Barton Biggs
called Wealth, War & Wisdom in which Biggs dissects exactly what works during calamitous events
like war. The answer is precious jewels, but also things like heavy coats, blankets, water, bottles
of wine, candy bars and producing farmland. A friend grew up in war torn Bosnia and left this
writer with an indelible image once. He said that in war, gold bars are useless. You cant barter
with them, they are indivisible! What you really need are smaller denominationscoins, rings,
necklaces, etc., which can be used to make smaller trades without your being taken advantage of and
having to trade a gold bar for a candy bar. The lesson here is not to confuse the gold you may hold
as an investment with the gold you may wish to hold personally for a (God forbid) doomsday event.
If your true interest in holding gold is for a doomsday event, you should consider physical
holdings, smaller denominations and the security involved.
From a safe haven perspective, while moving to cash is always an option, gold can actually prosper
whereas cash will be unmoved. Saving capital by moving out of a risky asset to a risk-free one can
be a powerful way to preserve capital, but making money by moving out of a risky asset into an
asset that provides a positive return is a result that builds capital.
Gold is clearly a unique asset class. It has caused brilliant investors like Buffett and
Soros to be on exactly opposite sides of the argument. It is likely, therefore, that it requires a
unique investment approach. Traditional valuation approaches seem ill equipped to be effective
because they lack any true linkage to a cash flow. We are not bothered by the fact that golds
investment characteristics dont fit a predefined box. Rather than a dogmatic approach that must
rest on valuation, our approach is dynamic and grounded in observables that we think drive the
market. We do not believe gold is yet in a bubble, but do recognize the potential for that to
happen and the potential downside if it does. We think a rational approach to how much should I
own is to think about how much of your currency exposure you would ideally like to hedge to gold
in a costless transaction. We also think gold can have a special role in tactical portfolios as
both an inflation hedging vehicle and a flight to safety vehicle. Therefore, as of this writing,
the signs that we see are still long term bullish for gold, and we will continue to tactically own
it when we believe its beneficial to do so.
Precise in a world that
State Street Financial Center
One Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02111
The views expressed in this material are the views of Chris Goolgasian through the period ended
January 31, 2011 and are subject to change based on market and other conditions. The information
provided does not constitute investment advice and it should not be relied on as such. All material
has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. This
document contains certain statements that may be deemed forward-looking statements. Please note
that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or
developments may differ materially from those projected. Past performance is not a guarantee of
future results.
Investing in gold, commodities or other precious metals is a speculative activity and entails risk.
Prices are affected by factors such as cyclical economic conditions, political events, trading
activity of speculators and arbitraguers in the underlying commodities and monetary policies of
various countries. Gold, commodities and other precious metals are also subject to governmental
action for political reasons. Markets, therefore, may be volatile and there may be sharp
fluctuations in prices. There can be no assurance that gold will maintain its long-term value in
terms of purchasing power in the future or that gold will continue to exhibit low to negative
correlation with other asset classes. You could lose money my investing in gold.
ETFs trade like stocks, fluctuate in market value and may trade at prices above or below the ETFs
net asset value. Brokerage commissions and ETF expenses will reduce
diversification nor asset allocation ensure profit or guarantee against loss.
Frequent trading of ETFs could significantly increase commissions and other costs such that they
may offset any savings from low fees or costs.
Commodities and commodity-index linked securities may be affected by changes in overall market
movements, changes in interest rates, and other factors such as weather, disease, embargoes, or
political and regulatory developments, as well as trading activity of speculators and arbitrageurs
in the underlying commodities.
The SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the
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Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and other
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you the prospectus if you request it by calling 1-866-320-4053.
GLD shares trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk and will fluctuate in market value.
The value of GLD shares relates directly to the value of the gold held by GLD (less its expenses),
and fluctuations in the price of gold could materially and adversely affect an investment in the
shares. The price received upon the sale of the shares, which trade at market price, may be more or
less than the value of the gold represented by them. There can be no assurance that the active
trading market for GLD shares will be maintained. GLD does not generate any income, and as GLD
regularly sells gold to pay for its ongoing expenses, the amount of gold represented by each Share
will decline over time. Investing involves risk, and you could lose money on an investment in GLD.
Please see the GLD prospectus for a detailed discussion of the risks of investing in GLD shares.
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The Trust is sponsored by World Gold Trust Services, LLC (the Sponsor), a wholly-owned subsidiary
of the World Gold Council. State Street Global Markets, LLC (the Marketing Agent) is the
marketing agent of the Trust and an affiliate of State Street Global Advisors.
For more information: State Street Global Markets, LLC, One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA, 02111 866.320.4053 www.spdrgoldshares.com.
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Exp. Date: 2/28/2012
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Precise in a world that
SPDR® GOLD TRUST has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with
the SEC for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read
the prospectus in that registration statement and other documents the issuer has filed with the SEC
for more complete information about the Trust and this offering. You may get these documents for
free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. Alternatively, the Trust or any
Authorized Participant will arrange to send you the prospectus if you request it by calling toll
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SPDR® Gold Shares, 30th Floor, Boston, MA 02111.