Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): March 27, 2003

                        Commission File Number:   0-30018

                             MERIDIAN HOLDINGS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrants specified in its charter)

               COLORADO                                 52-2133742

     (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

                         900 Wilshire Avenue, Suite 500
                          Los Angeles, California 90017
                       (213) 627-8878 Fax: (213) 627-9183

    (Address, Including Zip Code, And Telephone Number, Including Area Code,
                  Of Registrant's Principal Executive Offices)


ITEM  1.  Changes  in  Control  of  Registrant                  Not  Applicable

ITEM  2.  Acquisition  or  Disposition  of  Assets              Not  Applicable

ITEM  3.  Bankruptcy  or  Receivership                          Not  Applicable

ITEM  4.  Changes  in  Registrant's  Certifying  Accountant     Not  Applicable

ITEM  5.  Other  Materially  Important  Events

On March 26, 2003, the board of directors approved the appointment of
Mr.  Randy  Simpson,  CPA,  as a new member of the board of Directors,
of  the  registrant,  following  the  acceptance of the resignation of
Dr. James Kyle, 11 as a member of the board of directors.

ITEM  6.  Resignation  of  Registrant's  Directors

On March 26, 2003, the registrant accepted the resignation of
Dr. James Kyle, 11 as a member of the board of Directors.

     (b)    EXHIBITS.

ITEM  8:  Change in Fiscal year                                Not Applicable

ITEM  9:  Regulation FD Disclosure

On  March 27, 2003, the registrant issued a press release announcing the
appointment of Mr. Randy Simpson, CPA, as the new member of the board
of directors, as well as the resignation of Dr. James Kyle,11 from the
board of directors  of the  registrant.

------------     -------------

Exhibit  99.1  -   Copy of the Press Release of March 27, 2003


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
the  Registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

                                   Meridian  Holdings,  Inc.

Date:  March  27, 2003              By:/s/  Anthony  C.  Dike
                                          Anthony  C.  Dike
                                 (Chairman, Chief Executive Officer)



FOR  IMMEDIATE  RELEASE:     Thursday,  March  27,  2003

CONTACT:  Anthony  C.  Dike,  M.D.          Madeleine  Franco
          Meridian  Holdings,  Inc.         Jordan  Richard  Assoc.
          213-627-8878                      801-463-0305
          ------------                      --------------------


LOS  ANGELES,  CALIF.--Anthony  C. Dike, MD, Chairman of Meridian Holdings, Inc.
(OTC  BB:  MEHO; announced today the appointment of  Randy Simpson
of  Salt  Lake  City  to the company's board of directors. Simpson's appointment
fills  the  vacancy  created  by  the  resignation  of  James  Kyle  II.
     Simpson,  a  Certified  Public Accountant with nearly 30 years' experience,
began  his career with Ernst & Young's Salt Lake City office. He has served in a
variety  of finance and accounting capacities, including chief financial officer
for  Rocky  Mountain  Helicopters  (medical  helicopters)  and  controller (Gulf
Energy).  In  conjunction  with  his  independent  accounting  practice,  he has
provided  registration  work  and  financial  advisory assistance to a number of
North  American  public  companies.  He  received a BS in marketing and an MS in
accounting  from  Utah  State  University.
     "Randy  comes  to  Meridian  with an impressive track record in finance and
marketing  and  an  excellent working knowledge of SEC compliance issues. We are
confident  in  his ability to provide valuable guidance and marketing assistance
to the company as it seeks to expand its customer base among hospitals and other
healthcare  providers,"  said  Dike.
     MERIDIAN  HOLDINGS,  INC.  is a healthcare services and technology company.
Meridian's  network  of  affiliated  companies  is designed to encourage maximum
leverage  of information technology, operational excellence, industry expertise,
and  synergistic  business  opportunities.  Meridian  is  committed  to building
shareholder  value  by  positioning affiliated companies as independent business
entities  in  which  Meridian  shareholders enjoy equity participation. Meridian
affiliate  For  additional  information  about  Meridian  and  its  affiliated
companies,  visit  the  company's  web  site  at

Statements  in  this  news  release  that  are  not  purely  historical  are
forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act  of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are made
pursuant  to  the  safe  harbor  provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform  Act of 1995 and any amendments thereto. Material that is forward-looking
may  contain  statements  about  expected future events and/or financial results
that  are  forward-looking  in  nature. Editors and investors are cautioned that
such forward-looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may cause the
Company's results to differ from such forward-looking statements. These include,
but  are not limited to, economic, competitive, governmental, technological, and
other  factors  discussed in the statements and/or in the Company's filings with
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.
                                      #  #  #
